All Star Export Houses including Status Holders which have achieved a minimum export turnover in free foreign exchange of Rs.10 crores in the previous licensing year are eligible for consideration under this Scheme at the following rates:
Ø Percentage incremental growth: 5% Duty Credit Entitlement as a
20% and above but below 25%: percentage of the incremental growth
Ø 25% or above but below 100%: 10%
Ø 100% and above: 15% of 100%
Incremental growth beyond 100% will not qualify for computation of duty credit entitlement.
Duty Credit may be used for import of any inputs, capital goods including spares, office equipment, professional equipment and office furniture provided they are freely importable.
Ø All service providers who have a total foreign exchange earning of at least Rs.10 Lakhs in the preceding or current financial year are eligible to qualify for a duty credit entitlement. For individuals foreign exchange earned criteria is Rs.5 lakhs in the preceding financial year.
Ø All service providers other than hotels and restaurants are entitled to duty credit equivalent to 10% of the foreign exchange earned by them in the preceding financial year.
Ø Hotels approved by Department of Tourism and other Service Providers in the tourism sector registered with the Department of Tourism are entitled to duty credit equivalent to 5% of the foreign exchange earned by them in the preceding financial year.
Ø Stand-alone restaurants are entitled to 20% duty credit of the foreign exchange earned by them in the preceding financial year.
Ø Capital goods including spares, office equipment and professional equipment, office furniture and consumables related to the main line of business of the applicant can be imported.
Ø Duty Credit and the goods imported are non-transferable.
Ø Exporters of fruits, vegetables, flowers, minor forest produce, dairy, poultry and their value added products are entitled for duty credit scrip equivalent to 5% of the FOB value of exports for each licensing year commencing from 1st April, 2004. However, poultry, dairy and their value added products shall qualify for benefits in respect of exports effected with effect from 1st April, 2005.
Ø The scrip and the items imported are freely transferable.
Ø Duty Credit may be used for import of inputs or goods including capital goods which are free importable.
Ø Duty free import entitlement of specified trimmings and embellishments is 5% of FOB value of exports during the previous financial year.
Ø Duty free import entitlement of hand knotted carpet samples is 1% of FOB value of exports during the preceding financial year.
Ø Duty free import of old pieces of hand knotted carpets on consignment basis for re-export after repair permitted
Ø Duty free import entitlement at 5% of FOB value during previous financial year of trimmings and embellishments. CVD is exempt on duty free import of trimmings, embellishments and consumables.
Ø Import of gold of 8k and above permitted subject to the import being accompanied by an Assay Certificate specifying the purity, weight and alloy content.
Ø Duty free import entitlement of consumables for metals other than Gold, Platinum at 2% of FOB value of exports during the previous financial year
Ø Duty free import entitlement of commercial samples is Rs.3 Lakh.
Ø Duty free reimport entitlement for rejected jewellery is 2% of FOB value of exports.
Ø Cutting and polishing of gems and jewellery is treated as manufacturing for the purposes of exemption under section 10A of the Income Tax Act.
Ø Duty free import entitlement of specified items is 5% and for trimmings, etc. 3% of FOB value of export during the preceding financial year. This will also cover packing material, such as printed and non-printed showboxes, small cartons made of wood, tin or plastic materials.
Ø Machinery and equipment for effluent treatment plants exempt from basic customs duty.
Ø CVD exempt on lining and interlining material , raw, tanned and dressed fur skins.
Ø Duty free import of specialized inputs/chemical and flavouring oils permitted upto 1% of FOB Value of preceding financial year’s export.
Ø Concessional customs duty on import of monofilament long line system for tuna fishing.
Ø Objective is to neutralize the incidence of customs duty on the import content of the export product. Neutralisation is provided by way of grant of duty credit against the export product.
Ø An exporter may apply for credit as a specified percentage of FOB value of exports made in free convertible currency as per the DEPB Schedule announced from time to time. At present, DEPB rates have been notified during May, 2005 and amendments, clarifications are provided from time to time through Public Notices.
Ø Duty credits are available for import of raw materials, intermediates, components, parts, packaging material, etc. Additional customs duty, if any is payable in cash as well.
Ø DEPB and/or items imported against it are freely transferable.
Ø Ministry of Finance notifies rates of duty drawback for various export products with effect from 1st June every year. Exporters exporting products covered by Duty Drawback Schedule are entitled to duty drawback at the specified rates and credit of such rates are made in the bank accounts of the concerned exporters on the “LET EXPORT” date.
Ø Wherever, exporters wish to have duty drawback rates fixed, they can apply to the Directorate of Drawback, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi .
Ø Central Excise Tariff permits refund of central excise duty paid on the inputs only after these have been physically incorporated in the export products, products exported and free foreign exchange realized. Claims are to be submitted to the concerned central excise authority alongwith required documents and the bank realization certificate.
Ø Other levies like purchase tax, VAT, etc. are refundable to export oriented units or to those who are supplying goods to deemed exports units.
Ø Government of India have announced subsidy packages for growth centers like J&K, Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal.
Ø 100% exemption from central excise duty is available.
Ø 100% exemption from income tax for first 5 years is available.
Ø One time cash subsidy upto 15% of investment in plant and machinery is available subject to a maximum limit of Rs.30 Lakhs.
Various schemes like airfreight subsidy scheme for export of horticulture produce from NE States and J&K are available.
There are various other schemes being regulated by Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation (through National Horticulture Board), Ministry of Food Processing Industry.
It is intended to provide financial assistance for a range of export promotion activities implemented by export promotion councils, industry and trade associations on a regular basis.
As per the revised guidelines with effect from 1st April, 2004, assistance is available for exporters with annual export turnover upto Rs.5 Crores.
Further, assistance for participation in Trade Fairs abroad and travel grant is available to such exporters if they travel to countries in one of the four Focus Areas, such as Latin America, Africa, CIS Region, ASEAN Countries, Australia and New Zealand.
For participation in trade fairs, etc. in other areas financial assistance without travel grant is available.
Following activities are eligible for financial assistance under this Scheme:
Ø To identify the priorities of research relevant to Department of Commerce and to sponsor research studies consistent with the priorities;
Ø WTO studies for evolving WTO camptible strategy;
Ø To support Export Promotion Councils, Trade Promotion Organisations in undertaking market studies, surveys for evolving proper strategies.
To support marketing projects abroad based on focus product focus country approach. Under marketing projects, the following activities are funded:
Ø Market Study: 75% of the total cost and 25% to be borne by the Eligible Agencies. However, for studies assigned by the Department of Commerce for the cause of export promotion, 100% assistance is provided. Maximum ceiling for each study is Rs.75 Lakhs.
Ø Opening of Showrooms: 75%, 50% and 25% of leasing/rental charges in the first, second and the third year, respectively subject to a ceiling of Rs.50 Lakhs for each market/product per annum.
Ø Opening of Warehouses: 75%, 50% and 25% of leasing/rental charges in the first, second and the third year, respectively subject to a ceiling of Rs.50 Lakhs for each market/product per annum.
Ø Display in international departmental stores: 50% of rental charges of display space would be provided as assistance subject to a ceiling of Rs.50 lakh per annum/each product.
Ø Publicity Campaign and Brand Promotion: 50% for two years in a particular market subject to a ceiling of Rs.50 lakhs per annum/per market. For third year, after a review of the result of the project in the first two years, assistance can be considered.
Ø Participation in Trade Fairs, Buyer-Seller Meets etc. abroad: 2/3rd of the actual expenditure. The expenditure on TA/DA to be met by each participant. Ceiling is Rs.50 Lakh for each fair for venue cost, publicity cost for the event, cost of the catalogues and other material, translation and interpreters’ charges and any other component approved by the Empowered Committee.
Ø Research and Product Development: 25% of the total approved cost subject to a ceiling of Rs.50 Lakh for each product would be borne by the Scheme and the balance 75% by the concerned Export Promotion Councils/Exporters/Trade Promotion Organisations.
Ø Reverse vists of the prominent buyers etc. from the project focus countries: 2/3rd of the total approved expenditure on venue cost, publicity cost for the event, cost of the catalogues and other material, translation and interpreters’ charges, any other component approved by the Empowered Committee.
100% of the air travel cost of the foreign visitors in the economy/excursion class only would be financed. Foreign visitors would be meeting their own boarding/lodging expenses.
Ø Export Potential Survey of the States: 50% of the cost of survey subject to the ceiling of Rs.50 Lakh would be funded under the Scheme. Rest 50% would be borne by the organization of the State Government.
Ø Registration charges for product registration abroad for pharmaceuticals, bio-technology and agro-chemicals:
50% of the registration charge subject to a ceiling of Rs.5 Lakh for each registration. An exporter can apply for five registrations in a year and the total ceiling for each exporter shall be Rs.25 Lakh per annum.
Ø Testing charges for engineering products abroad:
An exporter can apply through concerned Engineering Export Promotion Council for getting assistance on reimbursement basis. A certificate from Indian Mission concerned certifying the amount paid for testing charges is required to settle the claim Preferences shall be given to the small and medium entrepreneurs.
50% of the testing charges subject to a maximum ceiling of Rs.1 Lakh for each testing would be provided. An exporter can apply for five tests in a year and the total ceiling for each exporter would be Rs.5 Lakh per annum.
Ø To support Cottage and handicrafts units:
For developing web-site for virtual exhibition, assistance @ 75% of the total approved cost. Preferences are given to the small and medium entrepreneurs in allocation of funds.
Where level of assistance for eligible activities, in the normal course is 75% and 2/3rd, the level of assistance for eligible activities in case of Cottage and Handicrafts units would be 90%.
Where normal rate is 50%, these units are eligible for 75%. Against normal eligibility of 25%, these units are eligible for 50%.
Ø To support recognized associations in industrial clusters for marketing abroad.
Funds provided through EPC on the prescribed scale for activities such as Market study, participation in trade fairs, etc. abroad, opening of warehouse and showrooms, display in international store and publicity.
Ø Studies on WTO related matters: 100%
Ø Project/Study which further the objectives of the Scheme:
50% of the project cost subject to maximum of Rs.50 Lakh in each case.
Ø Departments of Central Government and organizations of Central/State Governments.
Ø Export Promotion Councils
Ø Registered Trade Promotion Organisations
Ø Commodity Boards
Ø Apex Trade Bodies recognized under Foreign Trade Policy.
Ø Recognised Industrial clusters
Ø Individual exporters: only for testing charges of engineering products abroad and registration charges of pharmceuticals bio technology and agro-chemicals.
Empowered Committee under the Chairmanship of Commerce Secretary decides such cases for assistance.
Under various Financial Assistance Schemes being regulated by commodity boards, namely, Spices Board, Tobacco Board, Tea Board, Rubber Board, Marine Products Export Development Authority, APEDA and other autonomous organizations, exporters can avail of the same.
[1] ONE STAR EXPORT HOUSE: Rs.15 Crores Performance during the
current plus the previous three years.
[2] TWO STAR EXPORT HOUSE: Rs.100 Crores
[4] FOUR STAR EXPORT HOUSE: Rs. 1500 Crores
[5] FIVE STAR EXPORT HOUSE: Rs. 5000 Crores
Small Scale Industry, Tiny Sector, Cottage Sector, Units registered with KVICs/KVIBs, NE States units, Sikkim and J&K Units, handloom/handicrafts/hand knotted or silk carpets, exports to Latin America/CIS/Sub-Saharan Africa, Units having ISO 9000/ISO 14000/WHOGMP/HACCP/SEI CMM level-II and above status, services, agro products are eligible for double weightage.
They are eligible for the following facilities:
Ø Licence/certificate/permission and customs clearances for both imports and exports on self-declaration basis.
Ø Fixation of Input-Output norms on priority within 60 days.
Ø Exemption from compulsory negotiation of documents through banks. The remittance, however, would continue to be received through banking channels.
Ø 100% retention of foreign exchange in Export Earner Foreign Currency account.
Ø Enhancement in normal repatriation period from 180 days to 360 days.
Ø Entitlement for consideration under the Target Plus Scheme.
Ø Exemption from furnishing of Bank Guarantee in Schemes under Foreign Trade Policy.
These duty free schemes are worth knowing. Thank you for sharing it with us. Duty free shopping is a great platform to purchase branded products at tax free rates.