Sunday, September 19, 2010


Ø       Manufacturer exporters with or without supporting manufacturer/vendor, merchant exporters tied to supporting manufacturer and service providers are eligible to import.
Ø       This scheme permits import of capital goods for pre production, production and post production. These goods can be imported in CKD/SKD form as well as computer software systems.
Ø       Customs Duty leviable will be 5% against the normal rate of about 34.2%
Ø       Free foreign exchange to be earned equivalent to 8 times of the customs duty saved over a period of 8 years reckoned from the date of issuance of licence.
Ø       Agro units have to earn foreign exchange equal to 6 times the duty saved over a period of 12 years from the date of issue of licence.
Ø       SSI units will earn foreign exchange equal to 6 times the duty saved over a period of 8 years from the date of issue of the licence subject to the condition that the landed CIF value of such imported capital goods under this Scheme does not exceed Rs.25 Lakhs and the total investment in plant and machinery after such imports does not exceed the SSI limit.
Ø       Where the customs duty saved is Rs.100 Crores or more, export obligation is to be fulfilled over a period of 12 years.
Ø       Capital goods imported are subject to actual user condition till the export obligation is completed.

1 comment:

  1. All goods imported into Australia must be reported to the Customs department. The steps required to meet these legal requirements usually depend on the type of goods you have. ACC customs broker in Fremantle's standard importing transaction usually requires a commercial invoice, quarantine packing declaration, packing list, and bill of Lading. Until imported or exported goods get customs clearance they are stored in a Customs Station.
